1. Beans
High in protein and apparently eating the same calories from protein encourages more fat loss and less muscle loss compared to eating the same calories from carbs.
Also high in fiber which makes you feel full faster and longer.
2. Sweet potatoes
High fiber. Eating an additional 14 grams of fiber per day can cause you to consume 10% less food.
3. Grapefruit
Not sure the mechanism, but people who eat 1/2 grapefruit before a meal lose more weight.
4. Sardines
Increases serotonin
5. Spinach
Increases serotonin
6. Cayenne pepper and other spicy foods
Boosts metabolism
7. Eggs
People who ate 2 eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight even thought they consumed the same calories.
8. Yogurt
Boost fat burning
9. Artichokes
Improves liver function and enhances weight loss.
10. Fresh Ginger
Boosts metabolism.
These facts came from Better Nutrition Magazine.