Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cancer prevention

Beans- may prevent colorectal cancer.

Berries - may prevent skin, bladder, lung, esophageal, colorectal, and breast cancers.

Cruciferous vegetables - may prevent many types of cancer.

Dark leafy greens - may prevent mouth, pharynx, larynx, stomach, breast, skin, and lung cancers.

Flaxseed - may prevent colon, breast, skin, and lung cancers.

Garlic (and other allium vegetables such as onions, scallions, leeks, and chives) - may prevent stomach, colon, prostate, bladder, skin, lung, esophageal, and breast cancers.

Green tea - may prevent colon, liver, breast, prostate, lung, skin, bladder, stomach, pancreas, and esophageal cancers.

Pomegranates - may prevent prostate, lung, skin and colon cancers.

Red and purple grapes - may prevent lymph, liver, stomach, skin, breast, and leukemia cancers.

Soybeans - may prevent breast and prostate cancers.

Tomatoes - may prevent prostate, breast, lung and endometrial cancers.

Whole grains - may prevent colorectal cancers.

This information came from Delicious Living magazine.

More good reasons to get our fruits and veggies!!


Robin said...

Great info and motivation to eat right. When you mention beans at the top are you talking about beans like lentils, northern, black, etc or green. I'm guessing the first group.

Robin said...

I'm going to link to this post - hope you don't mind.

Kay Day said...

regular legume type beans.

Link to whatever you want! :)

Robin said...

Thanks Kay, I assumed it meant legumes because I've always heard positive things about them.

Thanks for not caring about me linking since I did it before asking... :)

Julie said...

I like all of that food, only thing is that eating healthy is big $. But now that school has started, & I get to eat free, I am getting the fresh fruit and salads.

Robin said...

I hear you Julie! Healthy food is expensive. But you know what I've realized - that processed food is expensive too. If we quit eating junk and just focused on the healthy stuff I bet our grocery budgets would fall... I buy so much Coke (at my husband's request) but if I quit buying Coke I could so afford to have more healthy stuff around.

Another problem with me and the healthy stuff is I can be lazy when it comes to taking the time to clean and prepare it. I tend to gobble it up when its prepared for me, but not if I have to do it myself...

One day...I hope I can master this...

Momstheword said...

There are lots of "mays" there. All that stuff is good stuff.